main course | on the grill | turkey

Turkey Souvlaki

Prep Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 15 minutes 6 servings

Products Included In Recipe


2 lb | 1 kg Granny's Boneless Turkey thighs, cut into 1.5” wide cubes


1/4 cup | 65 ml fresh lemon juice
1/4 cup | 65 ml olive oil
1 tbsp | 15 ml oregano
1 tbsp | 15 ml garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp | 5 ml sea salt
1/2 tsp | 2.5 ml black pepper

Tzatziki Sauce:

1/2 cup | 125 ml Greek-style yogurt
1/2 cup | 125 ml 14% sour cream
2 tbsp | 30 ml fresh cucumber, seeded and finely diced
1/2 tsp | 2.5 ml garlic, finely chopped
1 tsp | 5 ml fresh dill, coarsely chopped
To taste salt and pepper


Mix Tzatziki Sauce and refrigerate.
Mix all marinade ingredients in a bowl.
Marinate turkey for 1-2 hours.
Thread turkey onto skewers and barbecue on medium high (375°F | 190°C) until fully cooked. Turkey is fully cooked when the internal temperature reaches 170°F (77°).
Serve with grilled pita bread and Tzatziki Sauce.

Cooking Tip: If you are able to find real Greek dried oregano, it is much more pungent than Italian oregano and will give it a more authentic flavour.

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